Answers to your COVID-19 questions

Your BCRFA team is keeping up to date on COVID-19 and compiling all the information here for operators like you. Resources are updated daily to reflect recent changes. First pick which kind of information you are looking for.

  • Do you need information about business issues and solutions? Follow the Employer Resources link.

  • Do you need information to help your employees or Are you a worker facing unemployment? Follow the Employee Resources link.


Here is what BCRFA is working on

BCRFA is talking to operators and government daily in our pursuit to understand and tackle head on the business challenges that are mounting as a result of COVID-19. We are working together with industry organizations to ensure that we accurately present to all levels of government the challenges that operators like you are facing and the true, and devastating, impact that COVID-19 is having on our industry.

HR Guidance

The BCRFA offers access to our Human Resources Specialist as part of your annual membership. Gillian MacGregor has been in the HR field for more than 25 years and can answer, or find the answer, to any HR related issue that is challenging you. During this time, she can answer your questions on:

  • employees who are sick or in self-quarantine

  • sick leave & layoff strategies

  • employee/employer support programs

  • best practices for layoffs and re-hiring

  • employee handbooks and best practices for tackling complex work situations


BCRFA is proud to have been part of the BC #OneTable initiative. We’re partnered with groups across the industry to help bring this strong message to government. The core goal with #OneTable is to share stories of real operators and the challenges that they are facing with the shut down of all in restaurant dining. The video submissions tell the stories and the #OneTable is the call to action: Canadian Restaurants need help now through immediate financial assistance (note: programs have been announced but details are still lacking), immediate protection from eviction, rent payments and financial action, and help to reopen and hire. Find out more about the #OneTable initiative and tag it in your social posts.

Representing Industry in the Media

Responding to the COVID-19 pandemic is requiring a vigilance and determination that our team has never witnessed. As the recommendations from our Public Health Officer and the Minister of Health are made, we are working to ensure full compliance while advocating on your behalf around the implications of shut downs on the bottom line.

The restaurant and foodservices industries will do our part to combat the COVID-19 virus - but the toll is high and we need to ensure that governments hear our calls for action for support. We are doing everything we can to encourage the restaurant patrons to support take out and delivery, to promote their favourite restaurants on social and to do their best to invest in local food and beverage and support local economies.

Advocacy to Government



Do you own a restaurant in British Columbia? We are conducting a restaurant specific COVID-19 impact survey. Please take two minutes to complete so that we have data as we continue to communicate for our industry. We want to know what you need so that we can best help you during this crisis.

Recommending government policy - Liquor delivery

BCRFA and industry partners are proud to have worked with government and the Business Technical Advisory Panel to advocate for the sale of sealed alcohol to delivery and take out customers. This change is designed to help operators manage inventory and to help customers reduce their number of store visits. We are grateful for the government’s quick response in making this possible.

All drivers will be required to have Serving It Right by April 20 - the delay in enacting this part of the legislation is much needed in this time of fast paced changes.

COVID-19 Cabinet to address the impact on business

On March 20, 2020 the BCRFA and other organizations from the business community have formed a COVID-19 Cabinet to address the significant impacts on the economy in these unprecedented times. The group will work collectively to share information on the impacts of COVID-19 and will provide a point of contact for government as it creates policies, programs and measures to support business and workers to address the significant economic impacts.

Recommending government policy - Minister Beare

BCRFA is working alongside industry partners to make recommendations to government on ways to help the industry address liquidity concerns, including:

  • Writing on behalf of BC's tourism and hospitality industry to Minister Beare, Minister of Tourism, Arts, and Culture, proposing specific government measures to assist industry. 

  • Writing to all municipalities, proposing practical measures municipalities can take now to help hospitality businesses during this time of crisis.

Recommending government policy - Premier Horgan

BCRFA, ABLE BC, and BC Craft Brewers Guild came together to write a letter to Premier Horgan with a few specific recommendations, including:

  • Delay the next minimum wage increase scheduled for June 1, 2020

  • Allow businesses to defer the Employer's Health Tax Allow deferred payments on PST

  • Work with municipalities to delay any property tax increases

  • Consider extending reasonable payment terms for industry liquor purchases from the LDB